
Pack Expo East

Top Three Questions Asked at Pack Expo East

April 30, 2018

Well, we’ve had a week to unwind and reflect upon the time spent in Philadelphia for the Pack Expo East show.  Although we are veterans when it comes to events that are put on by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, this was …

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Pack Expo East Blog

Join Inland for our debut at Pack Expo East

March 30, 2018

Inland Packaging is making our debut at Pack Expo East this year!  You’ve always been able to count on seeing Inland at Pack Expo International and Pack Expo Vegas, but we are excited to join the exhibitor list this year Pack Expo East for the …

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Shrink Sleeve Blog Image

5 Reasons to Embrace Shrink Sleeve Packaging

February 28, 2018

Next time you are strolling the aisles at the grocery store, take a look around to see where shrink sleeves are being used out in the marketplace.  I think you might be surprised at what you find when you take a closer look, as they …

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Packaging Empowers Product Existence

Packaging Empowers Product Existence

July 18, 2017

How do big brands engage the public, make an impact and keep that recognition? Having a quality product would be a popular answer, but a quality product is expected by the consumer and brands have long been preaching about quality and service. Yes, have a quality …

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